+91 9110958581
  • Python
  • DSA
  • Machine Learning
  • Html
  • Deep Learning
  • Css
  • Javascript
  • Big Data
  • C++
  • Content Creator

M.Sc (Computer Science)

  • Nit Trichy
  • 2021-2023

B.Sc(Hons) Statistics

  • BHU
  • 2018-2021
  • Gymming
  • Yoga
  • Cricket


I am working as Associate Software Engineer here at Carelon India.Here I am a part of team which builds the quality Software comprises of building to testing phase and serve the customer with various customization in their Interests. I have various expertise in Tech-Domain as of now through which I am making solutions which can really impact on the consumer life.

Work Experience

Associate Software Engineer

  • to be notify later
  • to be notify later
  • to be notify later


Fake News Classification

  • Aim is to predict whether news is fake or not based on news title
  • Done Pre-Processing using NLP techniques like Tokenization, Stemming, Stop words
  • Using N-grams Techniques to get Sentiment of the Documents
  • Converting corpus into vectors using TF-IDF or Bag of Words Techniques
  • Train test split the data and made SVM, Logistic Regression and Na ̈ıve Bayes model to identify fake news.

Handwritten digit Recognition

  • Made a handwritten digit recognition app using theMNIST dataset
  • Implemented Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  • Build an interactive window to draw digits with a button, which can identify the digit.
  • Created a predict function that takes the image as input and then uses the trained model to predict the digit